Social Media ROI

Chris  Ferdinandi over at Renegade HR recently published his Six Must-Read Blogs and one of the blogs on the list is Copyblogger.  You should definitely check the site out.  The founder, Brian Clark, also has a Twitter account if you want to stay on top of the action there.

And, before you say, “I’m not a blogger so there’s nothing for me to get out of this site.”  Here are a few things to consider:

We all write as part of our daily jobs.  Writing today is becoming such a lost art…I really can’t encourage people enough to spend time perfecting their writing ability.

The internet is a part of our daily jobs.  While I regularly joke with people that I’m old enough to remember when I did my job without the web…fact is, I couldn’t live without it today.

Internet + Writing = the reason you should check out Copyblogger.

The other reason you might want to add Copyblogger to your reading list is because they’re spending time talking about the Return on Investment (i.e. ROI) of social media.  I know when I talk with companies about social media, it’s one of the first questions that comes up.  And, I wonder if it’s the reason that businesses might be a little hesitant to dive into the social media pool.

Some folks are saying there’s no such thing as social media ROI or arguing it’s difficult to measure.  I agree with Copyblogger – the ROI for social media is no different than the principle of calculating ROI for traditional media.

I’m sure companies looking to get involved with social media are asking the same questions about ROI.  Here’s a place you can start looking for answers.  It will help you make educated decisions.  Check it out so you can help your organization figure out return on investment.

PS.  After I wrote this post, Christina Warren over at Mashable wrote a great article on How to Measure Social Media ROI.  With all these resources, get out there and make the most of it!

Speaking of Mashable, be sure to check out my latest guest post.  It’s called “7 Ways to Get More Out of LinkedIn”.  If you haven’t been paying attention to LinkedIn lately, I’ve outlined the fundamentals to getting your profile back in top shape.  And be sure to read the comments – they have even more great takeaways.  Cheers!

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