Quality vs. Quantity

If you haven’t noticed it, there’s a whole lot of networking going on right now.  Whether it’s folks who have a job or are looking for one, I’ve seen a serious increase in calls and online invites to connect.

I really enjoy networking.  This comes from learning very early in my career the importance of staying connected.  True story – one of my early managers didn’t believe in networking.  He had been with the company for over 25 years and figured he was going to be there until retirement day.  One afternoon in December, just a few days before Christmas, a bunch of us went out to lunch and he stayed behind for a meeting with the corporate honchos.

When I returned, his office was empty and I had a note on my desk to process his termination paperwork.

The sad part…he had no network.

Many people make the mistake of waiting until they need a network to start getting one.  So I commend those of you who are out there trying to build relationships.  But for those just starting, the question becomes…where do you go?  If you’re looking to get out, join an organization, and meet people in a face-to-face setting, experts will tell you that it’s about quality not quantity.  Don’t join 27 associations…you’ll spread yourself too thin and won’t be able to really build any kind of worthwhile connection with any of them.

Well guess what?  The same principle applies to web-based social networking.  There are tons of social networking groups out there.  Which ones are best?  Well, I can’t tell you that.  But I can tell you what works for me.  I’m on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.  I’ve found with these I can comfortably maintain my profiles and stay in touch.  If you want to be a connection, friend or follower…just reach out to me.  I will respond.

So, what say you guys?  What social networking applications are you using and how are they working for you?

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