First Anniversary

Today is a special day here because it marks the one-year anniversary of HR Bartender.  I want to take this moment to thank you for reading, commenting and supporting the blog.  You are absolutely fabulous and I really appreciate you all.

I started HR Bartender as a way to engage in a casual conversation about HR / Management / Leadership.  I didn’t want to write a boring monthly newsletter.  I figured blogging could provide something more dynamic, timely and, above all, interactive.  My hope was it would allow people to see that human resources professionals are not the uptight, policy police that we’re sometimes made out to be.

I chose the name HR Bartender because…well first, I’m in HR.  But to me, the bartender represents the friendly, casual, supportive person you might find at your neighborhood bar or restaurant.  Much of my industry experience is in the hospitality industry and I enjoy cooking, trying out new restaurants and traveling to new destinations so it seemed like the perfect tie-in.

But your friendly neighborhood bartender has another responsibility.  And, that’s to make sure their customers don’t overindulge.  They’re trained to recognize warning signs and deal with folks who drink too much.  All done in an appropriate manner with dignity and respect.

I often think the role of a bartender reminds me of my role in HR.  I like to have fun at work.  It’s great to laugh and joke.  But make no mistake, there’s a time when business is business.  And, I have to be serious.  So on my first anniversary, I leave you with two thoughts.

  1. Drink Responsibly
  2. HR Responsibly

Thank you for reading and supporting the bartender.  Cheers!

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