No Such Thing As Bad Press?

I’m quickly becoming a fan of Joanna Lord’s blog over at The Online Beat.  First, the Hyundai post and now this one called “Hate Your Boss?  Tell the World!”

This post really spoke to me because of  how torn I am regarding the subject of job review sites.

One part of me says “Yes, employees should be able to speak honestly and be open about their work and company culture.”  It’s a great way to sell the company’s brand.  Except of course, if employees have a terrible experience and decide to tell the world how working for your company really stinks.  We can’t expect any company to have 100% positive press, so maybe this is just part of doing business in a transparent world.

Another part of me thinks companies should be given the chance to improve before slamming them in the media.  Employees should participate in improvement surveys and exit interviews to let the company know the issues.  I’m surprised at the number of employees who don’t participate in these opportunities to make things better.

Then of course there’s the reason why an employee is posting negative comments in the first place.  Is it out of frustration because they have tried to speak to management and it fell on deaf ears?  Or is it because they were coached after being late to work six times in a row?

And lastly, is the concept of ‘burning bridges’ totally forgotten?  In the past, employees would never speak up because they figured it was better to only say the nice things.  You might need that former employer someday.  Is the growth of job review sites an indication that staying on good terms with past employers is unimportant?

While writing this post hasn’t given me any greater insights into the subject, it has reminded me of two things:

  1. There are always two sides to every story (and most of the time you’re only hearing one side).
  2. One person’s trash is another’s treasure (meaning I’ve had great experiences in places other people haven’t).

For employees, at the end of the day, you are responsible for your own mortgage payment.  So, only you can decide whether or not to write something on a site, believe what others have written, and determine how it impacts your job search.

For employers, one thing is certain…employees play a significant role in a company’s brand image.  If your organization is not perceived as being a good employer…that will translate into a negative perception about your product/service.  Think about that.

Image by Laureskew

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