Celebrate the Semicolon

National Punctuation Day is September 24.  According to their website, NPD is a “celebration of the lowly comma, correctly used quotes, and other proper uses of periods, semicolons, and the ever-mysterious ellipsis.”

Now, you might be saying to yourself, “How Silly.  Do we really need to have a national day dedicated to punctuation?”  My vote is yes (with an exclamation point)!

The purpose of NPD, now in its fifth year, is to educate children about the importance of good writing skills and literacy.  It’s to heighten awareness that punctuation mistakes, like a missing comma, could completely change the tone and intent of a message.  We have become a society of text messages, emails, tweets, etc.  As we become more high tech, communication has become abbreviated.  Business writing is quickly becoming a lost art form.

Looking for something that will set you apart in the business world?  Learn how to write – and write well.  And show everyone your skill in everything from emails to reports and presentations.

So, let’s support proper grammar and punctuation.  The future business leaders of this world need to know it.

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