A Resolution Fixx

It’s that time when we make resolutions to better ourselves for the coming year.  We do some soul searching and try to find ways to be a better spouse, parent, or businessperson.  It’s always a good idea to think of ways to improve.  Of course, this is even more important as we face particularly challenging times at the start of 2009.  My resolution is to incorporate more green initiatives into my home and business.  And, if it helps any, I’d like to share a resolution I embraced years ago that has served me very well:

Always be true to your word and do what you say you’re going to do.

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“I’ll meet you at 3:30 p.m.”

“I’ll buy the next round.”

Prior to someone making these statements, there are no expectations.  Nobody is anticipating a call.  There is no 3:30 meeting and we’re buying our own drinks.  There’s really no reason why people set levels of expectation and don’t keep them.

Then to add insult to injury, if plans change (and, I understand, they often do), there’s no follow-up.  Just send a quick text or a voicemail saying you’re running late.  Or that you need to reschedule.  Or your kids took $20 from your wallet and now you need me to pay.  It’s no problem.  Just communicate openly to change the level of expectation.

Now, you do all that and guess what . . one thing leads to another and you suddenly become a person with a whole lot of credibility.

Now, I know my fabulous readers already do this.  So, you might ask, why am I writing about it?  Because if you have any friends that might be still looking for a New Year’s resolution…this is a good one.  Just do what you say.  You can simply forward it with a note that says “Check out this great post from HR Bartender…besides, the video is a pretty cool blast from the past.”

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