Reality Check

Lots of things going on at the SHRM Annual Conference in Chicago.  Most people are scurrying back and forth between concurrent educational sessions just soaking in the knowledge.  Some are networking like crazy.  And let’s not forget the seemingly endless after-hours receptions.

There’s a huge expo hall with literally hundreds of vendors – all offering a wide variety of products and services aimed squarely at the HR professional.  Businesses spend megabucks to be here for their one big chance to get in front of this audience.

So why are the booth staffers just standing around just talking with each other?  Some are sitting behind their little tables not paying any attention to what is going on.  One was checking her emails.  Someone told me that the Yahoo people were visiting the CareerBuilder booth about finding a new job. 

It’s not everyone, of course, and I understand that some of it might just be that fine balance between marketing a business and managing a life.   But every day the media reports we’re in a recession and all of these companies are here to help improve their respective bottom lines.  Why isn’t there a high level of employee engagement to support this critical sales effort?

Have these people simply checked-out while on the clock?  If this is the behavior in front of such a large crowd, what are your employees doing in the relative security of their cube?

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