Got Ink?

Normally, I try to provide more lighthearted posts on Fridays to help ease us into the weekend.  But, since we played tag yesterday, I thought I’d get back to business . . but still rather lightheartedly.

So, I stumbled across an old (2006) post from a student at Florida A&M about how tattoos can tarnish your chances of getting a job.  And, then I re-read a post from The HR Capitalist about tattoos cutting earning potential.

I don’t get it.  According to a January 2008 Harris Interactive poll, 14% of all adults have at least one tattoo.  To put that number into perspective, that’s about a third more than the total population of metropolitan New York City.  Now, if that many people have tattoos, shouldn’t we (i.e. Corporate America) get a little more mainstream about them?

Tattoos have been around since before Ancient Egypt and tattooing is practiced globally.  In some cultures, they are used not only as body art but as rites of passage, religious symbols, and decorations of bravery.  There are lists of famous people who are well respected and revered for their talents . . . and they also happen to have tattoos.  Here are a few (note: I have not personally seen any of these, just taking the word of Tattoo Johnny):

Our world stands to be robbed of great talent if we can’t get past a little ink (or a body piercing for that matter).  It’s not about what people look like – it’s about their hearts and their minds.

And, if that doesn’t convince you, think of the branding potential.  Harley Davidson gets a lot of free marketing with all those biker tattoos. And I know at least one person who has a tattoo of the Starbucks logo (the original one).  What do you have?

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