Younger Things

On a recent business trip to Pensacola, I read an article about Joe Quint’s book, “72 Things Younger than John McCain.”  It’s received a lot of publicity given McCain’s presidential candidacy and the possibility that he could be the oldest person ever to be inaugurated.

But, I’m not writing this today to talk politics.

The article made me think…I wonder what stuff I’m older than?!  So, I’ve compiled by own list.  Here goes:

  1. The smiley face
  2. The Big Mac
  3. Valium
  4. The computer mouse
  5. The Easy Bake Oven
  6. Plastic Milk Jugs
  7. Lava Lamp

Some of this stuff made me feel really old…but I’m also happy to say that I’ve never owned an easy-bake oven (or a lava lamp.)  In the end, it made me realize that we will always be older than something.  And, we will always hold on to our good old days, whatever that looks like.

As business people, it’s about embracing the future and respecting the past.  Workplace traditions can be fabulous ways to build team spirit and remind people about the mission of the company.  But if embraced too tightly they can actually become a company joke and a constant sign that senior leadership is living in the past.

Look for those opportunities to do both – celebrate the past with a new modern spin.  Now, I gotta run…I’m celebrating Mexican Independence Day with some friends.  I’m still younger than nachos and margaritas (sorry John!)

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