This month’s Leadership Development Roundtable challenge is a great case study on management coaching. Whether you’re an internal HR pro working with a manager or an external consultant specializing in coaching, this case study is one you’ve possibility encountered before.
How do you handle a manager who says they want to improve but doesn’t follow the action plan they’ve developed to get there? And as the manager’s coach, what steps can you take without breaking any confidences with the manager?
I hope you’ll go over to Aspire-CS blog and check out the roundtable’s suggestions. Don’t forget to cast your vote for the best response at the end of the post!
Oh, and if you enjoy reading the roundtable responses, you can subscribe to each person’s blog by clicking on the button below:
Thanks again for checking out the coaching dilemma. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the case study.
John Michel says
This is a tough issue. In my opinion, the best answer is to be honest with your employees, even if that means telling them something they don’t want to hear. The bigger solution, though, is to hire managers whose behavioral competencies align with what the position requires. It’s shocking how accurate behavioral traits can be as predictors of on-the-job success.
Sharlyn Lauby says
Hi John. Thanks for the comment. I agree that hiring people who align with corporate culture is important. But we both know that organizations, positions and people change. That’s why it’s important to have both internal and external resources available to help deal with changes.
John Michel says
Sharlyn, I completely agree. I just wanted to bring some other things that people might not have thought to everyone’s attention. But you’re right – every company needs to have concrete plans for coaching employees after they’re hired.
Jane Clements says
I think in general, ‘constructive criticism’ works well.
However if someone is not carrying out business critical tasks, then these need to be highlighted and worked on.
There’s nearly always an underlying reason that prevents a certain action plan being followed. It could be scarcity of time, or reluctance on the part of the employee. It’s a bit like ‘peeling the onion’ to get down to the real reason, then deal with that.